Bypass Planning Progress

Featured Image: ‘Dated’ plan for Scone Bypass. ‘Customised’ fine detail work is still progressing; especially in relation to the northern rail overpass plus access and egress points north, south and west.

The Bypass is part of the ‘Corridor of Commerce’ Strategy as revealed in the NSW Government New England Highway Draft Corridor Strategy September 2016. We are lucky we are ‘jumping the queue’. Both Singleton and Muswellbrook have been there far longer than we have in Scone.


See also:

Email Letter Thursday 26th April 2018 to Phil Davidson (RMS), Mark Cure (RMS) and Daracon:

Dear Phil, Mark et al

I have just received notification of the ‘Start of work on the New England Bypass of Scone’.

I am absolutely thrilled! I have watched the video fly-through animation of the bypass. It’s brilliant! I can hardly believe we have reached this stage of the third great transport infrastructure creation in our history. The building of the ‘Great North Road 1826 – 1832’ (Governor Darling) and the arrival of the Railway in 1871 (Governor Lord Belmore) are the other two. How lucky we are! I hope to stay alive long enough to witness the bypass in action!

I reiterate what I have written so many times before: that the Bypass when constructed and fully operational delivers all the outcomes we set out to achieve almost 20 years ago viz.:

  1. Remove heavy (and other) vehicles from Kelly Street
  2. Provide unfettered access for emergency vehicles (and other) East/West over the railway line.

Very many thanks indeed for your ongoing stamina, persistence and perseverance on our behalf. It only remains for me to convince my erstwhile ‘recusant’ colleagues on the UHSC that this is the optimal (and only) solution!

I am,

Yours sincerely,


W. P. Howey


PO Box 509

2 Shaw Street


Tel:         6545 1859            0408 685 296


9 June, 2017


Michael Johnsen MP, Member for Upper Hunter today announced work on the New England Highway bypass of Scone is progressing well, with further field investigations now completed to help finalise the detailed design.

“The Australian and NSW governments are jointly providing $120 million to build the Scone bypass which aims to improve traffic flow, travel times and safety,” Mr. Johnsen said.

“With the environmental assessment for the bypass finalised in April last year, the proposed bypass has been approved and detailed design is progressing well.

Additional field investigations were carried out earlier this year to inform detailed design and included surveying to find underground services and geotechnical investigations to understand ground conditions along the bypass,” Mr. Johnsen added.

Mr. Johnsen Roads and Maritime Services is also continuing to work with Upper Hunter Shire Council to consider options for a rail bridge.

“Timing for a future rail bridge is not confirmed and would be dependent on planning approval and funding availability,” Mr. Johnsen said.

“Roads and Maritime thanks the community for providing feedback and remaining actively engaged throughout the planning process.

There were 211 submissions received in response to the environmental assessment public display and 187 submissions received about the three rail bridge options in late 2015 and early 2016,” Mr. Johnsen said.

Scone Heavy Industry Traffic Corridor Action Group


In consultation with the wider community the Scone Traffic Action Group [STAG] aims to:

“Create a precinct and social amenity in Kelly Street most conducive to the safe conduct of commerce, trade and community interaction”


In consultation with the wider community the Scone Traffic Action Group [STAG] aims to:

  • Develop an infrastructure plan to prepare Scone CBD and prefecture for future development especially accommodating the heavy road and rail corridor industrial loads
  • Enable safe and easy private and emergency service vehicle access between the ‘east’ (Scone CBD) and ‘west’ (Satur) sections of the township/municipality
  • Create a congenial environment in Kelly Street and throughout the Scone CBD and prefecture equally conducive to trade, commerce and social interaction
  • Encourage visitors to stay and spend time experiencing our community
  • Improve pedestrian and private vehicle safety throughout the CBD precinct particularly for children and the elderly
  • Develop a fully serviced rest and refill centre for heavy vehicles outside the CBD precinct and prefecture
  • Encourage new business opportunities within the CBD and environs unencumbered by noise, fuel, coal dust and other vehicle related pollution
  • Expedite the flow of heavy vehicles and train loads on their journey so enhancing local, regional, state, national and international trade through the Port of Newcastle
  • Obviate dangerous railway crossing(s) over the NEH
  • Reduce (‘minimise’) noise and fuel pollution in Kelly Street and through the prefecture
  • Enhance the aesthetic appeal of Scone CBD and prefecture

Executive Summary

The objectives of the Scone Heavy Industry Traffic Corridor Action Group can be only achieved by the diversion of both heavy commercial road transport vehicles and massive coal train loads across the flood plain to the immediate west of the CBD. The road and rail infrastructure required (including underpass/overpass) can be funded by a levy on the coal loads transported between the emerging mines to the north (Liverpool Plains) and the Port of Newcastle (Narrabri/Muswellbrook Rail Corridor)