Scone’s Racing History 2nd Edition




I am sure the many racing enthusiasts like myself whose memories go back a number of years, and whose love of the sport of racing and horses is inborn, will enjoy what I have manifested throughout the following pages.

Readers of both the older and younger generations will realise the broad horizons that had to be researched to put together the different periods of Scone’s Racing History, but, thanks mainly to the copies of Scone Advocates, which date back to the early days of racing at Satur and, to Daniel Morgan, whose authoritative thesis on the early days of racing throughout the area, made the task that much easier.

Many of the photographs have been taken from old newspapers, manuscripts and magazines, and, for the low quality I apologise. In saying this I am sure the readers will appreciate viewing what has been put together.

To my dear friend Rhonda Turner, whose computer skills are a little up-market on mine, I offer my sincerest thanks for making this all come together.

People will ask how I came to put pen to paper in an exercise such as this, well, I think I was born with a foot in the stirrup and a love of something, that my late father “Championed” throughout his lifetime, the “Thoroughbred.” From the time I walked the course at “Alabama” as an eight-year-old you could say I was smitten by a sport that at times can hold thousands spellbound; a sport that in a splitsecond can turn a pauper into a prince and, just as quickly, reverse the process.

Having said these few words I feel it is time to hit the starting button, and hope that you, the readers, derive as much satisfaction and enjoyment from reading the contents as I have had in their preparation and presentation.

Harley Walden