Scone Horse Festival Parade 2024

Scone Horse Festival Parade 2024

Featured Image: The ‘author’ transported in Bill Greers’ sulky powered by an amenable retired standardbred racehorse.

See also:

I ‘posted’ the story of the 1986 Scone Horse Festival Parade 1986 in 2021. I postulated the possible demise of the concept. How wrong could I have been! Andrew Cooper brought a new energy to the role of Horse Festival President two short years ago. He ‘reinvented’ the whole process. In 2024 despite the ‘ravages’ of Kelly Street reconstruction (‘revitalisation’) the ‘display’ was an overwhelming success.

I was the most fortunate recipient of a consummate honour bestowed by the presiding committee. I think it had something to do with age? I’m the oldest living fossil of a bygone era! I was delighted professional colleague and protege Peter Carrigan was the marshalling steward at the start. Both Bill Greer and I needed some direction.