This very dated video is pivotal to understanding movement in horses. It was supported by the now defunct Australian Equine Research Foundation (AERF). I served on its Research Advisory Committee for several years. Co-author Dr Chris Pollitt was a researcher at the University of Queensland who made a lifetime study of gaits in horses. He became a world pioneer and cutting-edge leader in the vexed discipline of Laminitis in Horses. In addition Chris pursued his passion for Endurance Riding becoming and elite competitor. Chris attended many farrier and veterinary seminars in Scone as expert guest speaker. The video also underpins the importance of pure research in horses which has been a passion of mine. Although not strictly speaking part of my story I include it here for special interest and general accessibility. I used this as underpinning knowledge instruction when teaching Vocational Education at the Hunter Institute of TAFE Scone Campus. I gratefully acknowledge all sources.