The author (Bill Howey) wished to make an update of the original movie with a view to accurately record the history of the era. His good mate Greg Manna represented Merck Sharpe and Dohme; the makers of new clear drench anthelminthic ‘Equimec’. The latter provided the finance to employ the Channel 9 sports TV crew for four days only plus a professional director Don Murphy. The author wrote the script. As far as possible the same studs were featured as on the 1960s film. New and emerging technologies were included as were employed at Ellerston Station. The video features many interviews with veterinarians, owners, industry leaders and prominent stud managers. The video was ‘shot’ over four days of the worst November weather in a generation! This particular era marked a time when the industry had suffered a significant downturn due to a global financial crisis (late 1980s), parlous financial tax minimisation schemes and overproduction. Some champion stallions such as ‘Bletchingly’ and ‘Marscay’ are featured in the footage.