St Andrews Day Races Memorial 1974

St Andrews Day Races Memorial 1974

Featured Image: The presentation of the Dewar’s Scotch Whiskey Memorial Trophy at the St Andrews Day Race Meeting @ White Park in late November 1974

Race Club stalwart Arthur Banks organises the public address while Bill Howey and David Macintyre stand to attention. Drum Major of the Cardiff RSL Pipe Band Mort Holme directs his Lead Piper on the right to play the dirge.

See: also:

I’ve already written about the St Andrews Day Races in my usual prolix purple-prose style. See the link above. This one was a special occasion with the running of the 2nd St Andrews Day Race Meeting. Founder and inaugural driver Murray Bain had passed away earlier in March 1974. This was his memorial tribute. I’m holding the trophy which was donated by my/our Scone Veterinary Practice ‘Morgan-Howey-Fraser and Partners’.

I don’t think we’ll see the likes of this again? I hope I’m wrong!