Apogee Australian Ackworth Alumnus 2024 Dr Fiona Wood AO

Apogee Australian Ackworth Alumnus 2024

Dr Fiona Wood AO

I’m inordinately proud that fellow Ackworth School alumnus Dr Fiona Wood has been further recognised in her adopted country. Dr Wood was Australian of the Year in 2005.

See: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-25/australia-day-2024-honours-announced/103375048 (Scroll down)


‘Apogee’ = “apex, zenith, summit, pinnacle, acme, peak, top, highest point”.

Maybe I should raise my game?

Her citation reads:

In Western Australia, prominent plastic-surgeon and 2005 Australian of the year Fiona Wood is receiving her second honours, this time as an Officer of The Order.

“It is extraordinary to be recognised by one’s peers and the community in this way. It really sort of takes your breath away,” she said.

“This is an award that is not just for me individually, it’s for the whole of the team and the extended team and what we’ve been able to do over a long period of time, so this is very special.”

Ms Wood’s “spray on skin” technology has been hailed as an “answered prayer” for burn victims.

Using the world-first technique, she managed to treat 28 patients in the aftermath of the Bali Bombings and greatly reduced their scarring.

Her work still helps burn victims decades after its inception, but she says some cases never leave her.

“It’s part of what we do is having the empathy to actually step along that journey with the patients and their families and carers as well.”