
This study should imbue some confidence into the community as we are about to embark on the construction of the new Scone Bypass? The following is a summary of the management recommendations identified by consultants Virus Heritage.

It’s intriguing to speculate that the proposed Scone Bypass (about to begin) will be constructed along a ‘green space corridor’. Impact on heritage will be minimal. Conversely an in-town overpass would inevitably cause ‘destruction-by-construction’ of valued built heritage and infrastructure?


The following management strategy is recommended to mitigate the impact of the proposal on heritage items adjacent to the proposal site include the following:

1) Prior to construction works, archival recording of the impacted elements of the Farming

Complex, St Aubins Arms property and Timber Structure is required. The archival recording will include photographs and detailed inventory and plans and will be prepared to the standard of Local significance as specified in Heritage Branch’s requirements for Archival Recording of Heritage Items and prepared by a qualified heritage consultant. Final copies of the archival recording will be lodged with the Upper Hunter Valley Council’s local studies collection.

2) Prior to construction works, a Section 140 Excavation Permit is required for the impacted sections of the St Aubins Arms property and the Farmyard Complex to be applied for and prepared by a heritage consultant/archaeologist in consultation with Heritage Division NSW. This recommendations is based on the sensitivity of the St Aubins Arms property for potential domestic refuse, particularly in the dam and occupation evidence dating from nineteenth to mid twentieth century (relics) and for domestic evidence (relics) of the Farmyard Complex, which may impede construction timeframes and schedules substantially, if revealed during construction works which would cause a stop to construction works

Under a Section 140 Excavation Permit, an initial investigation into the extent and potential of domestic occupation evidence (relics)could be determined, then salvaged and recorded without impeding construction schedules.

3) Roads and Maritime must undertake vibration monitoring at identified heritage items potentially susceptible to indirect impact from proposed works that are “vibration generation activities within 35 metres of heritage listed structures” (GHD, 2015) including. Item 2, Rail Culvert; Item 3, Timber Structure; Item 5 Farmyard Complex; Item 6 House (Lot 19, DP6498), the buildings within Item 7 St Aubins Arms (which is about40 metres from the boundary) and Item 8 Great Northern Railway. We would also recommend monitoring at the West Scone Conservation Area.

4) As recommended by GHD, monitoring must be undertaken by a qualified vibration consultant and “If a building damage risk is identified vibratory activities are to be immediately halted and alternative work methods will be implemented so the vibration impacts are reduced to acceptable levels. The review may result in a requirement to modify work practices or use alternative, low vibration methods and equipment”. (Email correspondence to Virtus Heritage from GHD, 2015).

5) Prior to proposed works, Roads and Maritime will engage a suitable consultant to prepare dilapidation surveys and condition reports heritage items at risk from vibratory activities, which may include, Item 2, Rail Culvert; Item 3, Timber Structure; Item 5 Farmyard Complex; Item 6 House (Lot 19, DP6498), Item 7 St Aubins Arms (which is about40 metres from the boundary) and Item 8 Great Northern Railway. We would also recommend Roads and Maritime consider this reports and surveys for the nearby structures and buildings within the West Scone Conservation Area (Item 9).

6) The HIS is based on the proposed impacts known to date as outlined in Section 7.0. The HIS would require revision if any impacts change or particularly in the case if there are additional unknown impacts from potential ameliorative measures for noise and vibration from construction, particularly but not limited to House (Lot 19, DP6498) (Heritage Item 6), St Aubins Arms (Heritage Item 7) and the West Scone Conservation Area (Heritage Item 9), are ascertained in the future. Revision of the HIS may be required dependent on these ameliorative measures by a qualified heritage consultant with input of a qualified noise and vibration consultant and in consultation with RMS. However, this would need to be determined after detailed design for the proposal was completed. It is recommended that if any proposed ameliorative measures are required, they are sympathetic to character of the heritage item/s and its existing fabric and in compliance with the UHSC Development Control Plan 2015. We also recommend that RMS consider using types of road surfaces which minimise noise and landscaping impacts to identified heritage items in this assessment in the detailed design of the proposal to minimise the necessity of potential ameliorative measures for noise and vibration from the proposal.

7) All identified historical heritage items within the project or within vicinity of the proposal site must be mapped and provided to site planners, Roads and Maritime workers and sub-contractors so they are aware of their responsibilities under the Heritage Act, 1977.

8) As part of an induction, in the unlikely event that any unknown Aboriginal objects or historical heritage relics are uncovered during proposed works, all Roads and Maritime workers and sub-contractors should aware of their responsibilities under the provisions of the NPW Act, 1974 (including the penalties under the ancillary provisions) and NSW Heritage Act 1977 and Roads and Maritime Procedures for Unexpected Finds and stop work immediately until this process if followed and these responsibilities are met.

9) In the extremely unlikely event that any suspected human remains are uncovered during proposed works, all works must cease immediately and the Roads and Maritime Project Manager immediately notified and the area secured. The Roads and Maritime Environmental Manager will contact the NSW Police (if required). If these remains are deemed to required archaeological investigation by the NSW Police or NSW Coroner, than OEH (Contact OEH’s Enviroline 131 555) and the Wanaruah LALC must be notified by the Roads and Maritime Environmental Manager for further assessment and management. No works could continue until OEH (or other determining authority such as Department of Planning) provide written notification to proceed to this section

Daracon to commence work on the Scone bypass in July

June 7 2018 – 3:47PM

Acknowledgement: Caitlin Reid       Journalist Fairfax Media

CONSTRUCTION of the Scone bypass is locked in for July 9 with the contractor of the project to start delivering girders – support beams used in construction – later this month. Daracon Group was awarded the construction contract for the two-year project in April and Upper Hunter Shire Council general manager Steve McDonald says council will be working with the RMS to ensure there is minimal disruption to the community during the process.

“We had a briefing last week from the RMS who told us about 180 girders will be starting to be delivered to about four locations here mid-June,” Mr McDonald said at the annual Scone Chamber of Commerce budget breakfast on Thursday morning.

“They will be arriving near the Bill Rose Sports Complex, two a day, at around 5am in the morning.

“We’ve talked about disruption to the community and we want them to give us a two-week plan in advance of what’s happening so if there is any impacts on facilities we will do works so we can coordinate that better.

“We will continue consultation with sporting groups and Daracon during the process.”

$1.3 million is being spent on upgrades to the Bill Rose Sporting complex in council’s 2018-19 budget due to the impact the bypass will have on the facility.

The funding will go towards upgrades to the playground, netball courts, lighting, cricket nets and playing fields.

The Scone Golf Course, which is currently undergoing redevelopment due to the impact of the bypass is due for completion in November.

Mr McDonald said providing weather is reasonable there is no reason why the bypass won’t be finished within its two-year time frame.

Scone bypass video on RMS website