White Park Finale 24/10/1994
Featured Image: The Judge’s Tower on the final day of racing at the old White Park Racecourse in Scone on 24/10/1994
From L to R: David Bath Jack Johnston Bill Howey Hilton Cope
During yet another COVID-19 ‘lock-down’ as I write this (23/08/2021) there is ample time for reflection? I found the ‘featured image’ stored in my online pictures file which someone had sent me. I was actually searching for something else!
The photograph reminded me of how much we had gained; and how much we had lost! As the original protagonist (1980) of the absolute need to find a better racing venue I/we are now in a position to ‘take stock’ of where we are at? Unfortunately COVID-19 has decimated attendance at all sporting venues but we are indeed fortunate that the racing authorities have found a way to continue; albeit without public patronage.
The photo reminds me very forcibly indeed of how much fun we used to have when the elected Committee of the Race Club actually ran things! I was the Judge then and Hilton Cope the Assistant Judge. Jack Johnston was official timekeeper. David had succeeded me as Club President in 1984 and was to lead the Club to its new premises at ‘Tarrangower’, Satur the very next month. Now almost 27 years on the Club does not really function as such. Racing NSW dictates just about everything. It appears we ‘locals’ do not have a look in anymore and the Committee at present is reduced to a virtually impotent total of four. Just musing!