George Barratt @ Moonan Flat

George Barratt @ Moonan Flat

Featured Image: Bert Lillye’s article in ‘The Sun Herald’, Dec 9, 1979

There’s little doubt that George Barratt was an ‘unlikely’ resident at Moonan Flat. Even less likely was it that Australia’s leading racing journalist of the day and a ‘Hall of Famer’ Bert Lillye would track him down? Both reckoned without the exquisite detection skills of long-term Scone resident Archie Shepherd. Archie had honed his survival instincts as a Forward Scout at Shaggy Ridge (NE Papua New Guinea) in the epic WWII contest versus Japan in the Pacific arena. ‘Keeping a (betting) book’ was part of the scenery. It was a wartime habit Archie fine-tuned to perfection when back in civvies at Scone. Uncovering the whereabouts of the likes of George Barratt would have been child’s play for Archie? There’s no racetrack at Moonan Flat but there used to be in the halcyon gold mining days of yesteryear. See ‘The Dennison Diggings’ elsewhere in this ‘Blog’. Does anyone remember George Barratt?

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Clovelly Stables @ Scone Equine Hospital & Dr Karon Hoffmann

Clovelly Stables @ Scone Equine Hospital & Dr Karon Hoffmann

Dr Karon Hoffmann BVSc MVSc PhD DipVetClinStud MRCVS Dipl. ECVDI

Featured Image: Dr Karon Hoffman at work at Clovelly Stables, Scone c. 1990

Dr Karon Hoffmann developed her enthusiasm for diagnostic imaging early during her veterinary career as a large animal internist. Her initial posting was almost 30 years ago at Scone Equine Hospital where Karon developed the Neonatal (Foal) Intensive Care Unit. It was one of the very best decisions I ever made in my professional life! “You need a foal care unit Bill and you need me to run it”! Since that time she has pursued both research and clinical expertise in the discipline and has earned both a Master’s degree and PhD in Diagnostic Imaging. Karon has published over 40 scientific articles. She has represented the profession in many roles, including as President of the Australasian Association of Veterinary Imaging and been an invited speaker at many conferences. Karon was a worthy recipient of the CVE Hungerford Award for her holistic contribution to research, teaching and clinical scholarship in large and small animal sonology. Karon is a Diplomate of the European College of Diagnostic Imaging. Karon uses the synergistic nature of routine and advanced diagnostic imaging and interventional procedures to help in the diagnosis and treatment of many complex clinical cases.

See also: Equine Vets – Hospital & ICU: Scone Equine Hospital

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