Racehorse Aftercare at 40th Asian Racing Conference
Featured Image: International Forum for the Aftercare of Racehorses
The International Forum for the Aftercare of Racehorses (IFAR) is an independent forum established to advocate for the lifetime care of retired racehorses, to increase awareness within the international racing community of this important responsibility and to increase awareness in the sport horse world regarding the versatility of the thoroughbred horse.
IFAR provides leadership, support and expert advice on a range of aftercare issues, and facilitates a forum for jurisdictions to relate their experiences and to share best practice.
Promoting equine welfare before, during and after a horse’s racing career is vital in ensuring the public’s confidence in the sport is maintained and is integral to the future health of horseracing
– Jim Gagliano, The Jockey Club
Eighth International Forum for the Aftercare of Racehorses will be held as part of 2024 Asian Racing Conference
Feb 13, 2024
The eighth International Forum for the Aftercare of Racehorses (IFAR) will be held in conjunction with the 40th Asian Racing Conference (ARC), which is scheduled to take place 27 August – 1 September 2024, in Sapporo, Japan.
The 40th ARC is presented by the Asian Racing Federation (ARF) and the Japan Racing Association (JRA), which is the host of this conference.
The IFAR conference will take place on Tuesday, 27 August, and it will facilitate an aftercare facility visit as well as host a variety of panels with speakers from around the world.
IFAR Chair Di Arbuthnot said, “We are thrilled to once again be a part of the ARC. The aftercare of racehorses remains an important issue on a global scale. Being able to meet in person to share experiences, best practices, and success stories is a vital part of IFAR.”
Andrew Harding, secretary general of the ARF, said, “The ARF is looking forward to the IFAR conference, and we are excited that it will once again be a part of the ARC. This gathering has taken place during the ARC on three previous occasions, and each time the importance and value of such a forum has been clear. The safety and welfare of our equine athletes both during and after their racing careers is essential.”
The IFAR conference will also be receiving assistance from the JRA, which has entered into a multi-year sponsorship agreement to support the activities of the organisation.
IFAR has previously conducted forums in conjunction with the 39th ARC in Melbourne, Australia in February 2023; the 38th ARC in Cape Town, South Africa, in February 2020; the European & Mediterranean Horseracing Federation’s General Assembly in Oslo, Norway, in May 2019; the 37th ARC in Seoul, South Korea, in May 2018; and the Pan American Conference in Washington, D.C., in May 2017. Virtual conferences were held in 2021 and 2022.
Atsushi Kikuta, the JRA’s Director of Equine Affairs and a member of the Japanese Consultative Committee on Aftercare of Racehorses, said, “It is a great honour to be able to hold the eighth IFAR in Japan. I am grateful for this valuable opportunity to exchange thoughts with everyone about the issues facing countries around the world as well as to introduce the efforts and status of retired racehorses in Japan.”
For more information about the Asian Racing Conference and how to register, please visit https://arcsapporo2024.com.
IFAR is an independent forum that recognizes geographical and industry differences among racing countries and is designed to enhance Thoroughbred aftercare worldwide. Working with the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA), IFAR will raise awareness of the importance of welfare for Thoroughbreds, improve education on lifetime care, and help increase demand for former racehorses in other equestrian sports. For more information on IFAR, visit: https://www.internationalracehorseaftercare.com.