RAS of NSW Royal Easter Show Veterinary Panel (2)
Featured Image: RAS of NSW Veterinary Panel RES 2018: “Doing the Rounds”
“All Work and No Play”
I wrote in my immediately preceding blog about the RAS of NSW Royal Easter Show Veterinary Panel (1). There is a less serious side; see featured image. The blissfully recumbent splendidly sartorial pyjama-clad male member with cap at a characteristically rakish angle is a long-term veterinary panellist; and even longer term scion family associate of the RAS of NSW.
The occasion is the daily ‘Morning Rounds’ discussion group organised by the Chairman of the RAS of NSW Veterinary Committee. I rather think someone was late? It’s happened before! I don’t think I should mention any names; or identify the players. Suffice it to say a number of veterinary panellists are on the overnight roster in different locations and ‘sleep over’ to provide 24-hour emergency service.
The group also includes no less than two Chairmen of the RAS of NSW Veterinary Committee, a current non-veterinary RAS Councillor, a former President of the Australian Veterinary Association, a long-term senior VCM administrator plus many senior veterinary panellists.