Scone Chamber of Commerce 1993
Featured Image: Courtesy of ‘The Way We Were’; A Pictorial History of the Scone District 1901 – 2001 by Anne McMullin, Kath Farrell and Audrey Entwisle; Federation Publication No. 4; Published by Scone and Upper Hunter Historical Society Inc. 2001
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great; some achieve greatness; and some have greatness thrust upon them”; William Shakespeare; ‘Malvolio’ in Twelth Night
This was a quite ‘disparate’ cadre of people with differing origins and backgrounds. However something they have all shared is success in civilian life across a wide range of disciplines. Peter is from a scion grazing family. Helen has achieved high accolades and rewards in racing administration and related activities. Graham, Merton and Paul all established outstanding retail and wholesale outlets in Scone. The three ‘professionals’ are lawyer Ross Cole, now a leading light with Darley/Godolphin and Accountants Chris Sam and Noel Leckie. The latter became an iconic President of the Scone Race Club.